Find Your Next IBM i or AIX Admin – Fast!
January 24, 2019

I recently did a quick search on for open IBM i administrator positions. I found over 250. Glassdoor had 165. While that may not sound like a lot, the challenge is that certified IBM i (and AIX) administrators can be hard to find. Not many universities or technical schools (if any) include IBM Power Systems in their curriculum anymore, and many of the currently certified administrators are nearing retirement age.
These positions can remain unfilled for months unless you’re willing to settle for a less-qualified candidate – or outsource your IBM i or AIX administration.
We hear all the time from companies who are desperate for the right iSeries system administrator after going through a merger, acquisition, or consolidation (including the acquisition of unfamiliar IBM systems) or after losing a key resource. They don’t want to give up their platform, but their lack of a qualified IBM administrator has left them in a bind and their systems at risk.
Consider Connectria
While you’re sorting through a stack of resumes looking for someone with the right skill set, we respectfully ask that you consider ours as well. Below are a few highlights:
- 20+ years of experience in IBM hosting
- Remote management and administration since 2004
- 4-time IBM Beacon Award winner
- PureFlex remote management since 2012
- Management of over 500 IBM i environments
- IBM Advanced Business Partner
Every year, each of our IBM engineers participates in 50+ hours of training on the IBM platform. You don’t have to worry that Connectria will take a sick day or go on vacation, EVER. We always have someone on staff – every day of the year, 24×7. We won’t ever retire.
Check Out Our References
You wouldn’t hire an IBM administrator without checking references. You shouldn’t outsource your IBM i administration without checking references, either. Below are a couple of our references and their stories:
Contact us today if you are interested in learning how we can support you!
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